Become AABB-Accredited: Blood Collection

Why AABB Accreditation?

  • AABB Accreditation strives to advance and ensure the quality and safety of collecting, processing, testing, distributing and administering blood and blood products.
  • AABB provides accreditation in most of the key areas in which blood centers are active, allowing facilities to have a single accreditor for your donor center, immunohematology reference lab, molecular testing lab and other ancillary services.
  • Having accredited blood centers throughout the world since 1957, AABB Accreditation is widely recognized as the gold standard in ensuring quality and safety in blood collection and testing.
  • Close interaction with our member experts and federal agencies affords AABB a unique position from which to represent and support our member institutions, including in providing timely, easy-to-understand updates on regulatory changes, compliance issues, emerging risks and more.

Learn more about the accreditation process, including accreditation phases and expectations, and steps to become accredited.

Facilities may be interested in the following accreditation activities:

*AABB can be the CLIA provider for facilities accredited in these activities.

View AABB-Accredited Blood Centers

Featured AABB-Accredited Center: Dubai Blood Donation Center

Dubai Blood Donation CenterThe Dubai Blood Donation Center is the main blood center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, supplying blood and components for 46 hospitals in area. The center collects approximately 66,000 units of blood and 5,500 apheresis platelet units each year.

This center is the first AABB-accredited blood center in the United Arab Emirates. It has been accredited by AABB since 2012.

“The AABB accreditation journey provides a clear path in improving our blood transfusion quality and safety. It gave us confidence in our practice and has led to us continuously updating our knowledge and practice. ”

— Dr. May Raouf, Head & Medical Director, Dubai Blood Donation Center

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