Product Code: 24EL-428-4035
Please note: This is a Single Viewer registration for one participant for the on-demand version of this program. Access instructions for the on-demand version of this program will be provided via email approximately 3-10 business days after the live program has occurred and the on-demand version is available. If registering after the on-demand version is available, immediate access is granted via the AABB Education Platform at
If you registered for the live program you do not need to register for this on-demand eCast (access to the on-demand eCast was included with the live program registration).
If you are interested in presenting this program to a group, please see the “eCast Registration Form– Group Viewing” form on the program page.
Program Description:Pre-hospital transfusions occur when emergency personnel administer blood products to hemorrhaging patients in the field and/or in transit. There is growing evidence demonstrating a survival benefit with early transfusion, which is important since hemorrhage continues to be a major preventable cause of death in trauma patients. As the number of pre-hospital transfusion programs are increasing, Dr. Thomasson will review the potential obstacles to establishing a pre-transfusion program, discuss the current evidence regarding which blood products are optimal in the pre-transfusion setting, and discuss the role and responsibilities of the hospital blood bank in supporting these endeavors.