1987 Patrick L. Mollison, MD, FRCP, FRCPath, FRS
1993 Tibor J. Greenwalt, MD
2000 Herbert A. Perkins, MD
2005 Richard H. Aster, MD
George Garratty, PhD, FRCPath
Lawrence D. Petz, MD
2017 Harvey G. Klein, MD
2003 Harold T. Meryman, MD
2004 Herbert Cullis
Qui-Lim Choo, PhD
Michael Houghton, PhD
George Kuo, PhD
Raleigh Carmen
Gerald Grode
Indrajit Patel
Alan L. Jones, PhD
Robert M. Kellogg, PhD
Victor R. Kruger
Paul B. Kelly, MD, FACS
Keith A. Samolyk, CCP, LCP
2009 Dudley W.C. Spencer, PhD
Gerald A. Grode
Jeffrey E. Miripol
2011 Jeffrey M. Linnen, PhD
Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MLS(ASCP), SBB
W. John Judd, FIBMS, MIBiol
2013 David F. Lewis, PhD
2014 Lily Lin, PhD
2015 Dennis Hlavinka
2016 Pablo Rubinstein, MD
2017 Connie M. Westhoff, SBB, PhD
2018 Laurence M. Corash, MD
2019 Larry J. Dumont, MBA, PhD
2020 Don L. Siegel, PhD, MD
Michael Pandelakis
Andrew Pandelakis
2022 Donald Branch, BS, MT(ASCP)SBB, PhD
1963 E. Eric Muirhead, MD
1964 Scott N. Swisher, MD
1965 Wolf W. Zuelzer, MD
1966 Alexander S. Wiener, MD
1967 Max M. Strumia, MD
1968 Hugh Chaplin, Jr., MD
1969 Emanuel Hackel, PhD
1970 Flemming Kissmeyer-Nielson, MD, PhD
1971 Neva Martin Abelson, MD
1972 Bernard Pirofsky, MD
1973 Serafeim P. Masouredis, MD, PhD
1974 Paul J. Schmidt, MD
1975 Eloise R. Giblett, MD
1976 Richard E. Rosenfield, MD
1977 Herbert F. Polesky, MD
1978 Mary N. Crawford, MD
1979 Sir John Dacie, FRS, FRCP
1980 Kathryn M. Beattie, MT(ASCP)SBB
1981 C. Paul Engelfriet, MD
1982 Edwin A. Steane, PhD
1983 Marjory Stroup, MT(ASCP)SBB
1984 Patrick L. Mollison, MD, FRCP, FRCPath, FRS
1985 Jeffrey McCullough, MD
1986 Peter D. Issitt, FIMLS, FIBiol, MRCPath
1987 Harvey J. Alter, MD
1988 W. Laurence Marsh, PhD, FRCPath, FIBiol, FIMLS
1989 George Garratty, PhD, FIMLS, MRCPath
1990 Sherrill Slichter, MD
1991 Lawrence D. Petz, MD
1992 Herbert A. Perkins, MD
1993 Richard H. Aster, MD
1994 Paul V. Holland, MD
1995 Marion Lewis, BA, Dsc, FCCMG, FRSC
1996 Christian Mueller-Eckhardt, MD
1997 David John Antsee, BSc, PhD, FRCPath
Jean-Pierre Cartron, Dr-Sc
1998 John Kelton
1999 Paul Terasaki, PhD
2000 Roger Y. Dodd, PhD
2001 Harvey Klein, MD
2002 Walter Dzik, MD
2003 James P. AuBuchon, MD
2004 Morris Blajchman, MD, FRCP(C)
2005 Michael P. Busch, MD, PhD
2006 S. Breanndan Moore, MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPI
2007 Edward L. Snyder, MD
2008 Ronald G. Strauss, MD
2009 Mark Alan Popovsky, MD
2010 Leslie E. Silberstein, MD
2011 Paul M. Ness, MD
2012 Marion E. Reid, PhD, FIBMS
2013 Steven L. Spitalnik, MD
2014 Christopher D. Hillyer, MD
2015 Thomas A. Lane, MD
2016 Nancy Heddle, MSc., FCSMLS(D)
2017 Dennis Goldfinger, MD
2018 Karen King, MD
2019 James T. Perkins, MD
2020 Ellen M. Areman, BS, MS, SBB(ASCP)
2021 Heather Hume, MD, FRCPC
2022 Thomas R. Spitzer, MD
2005 Harold Kaplan, MD
2006 Jill Hardman, PhD, MA, MT(ASCP)SBB
2007 Jay S. Epstein, MD
2008 Daniel Somuah, MT
2009 William B. Lockwood, PhD, MD
2010 Ira A. Shulman, MD
2011 Mary Beth Bassett, BS, MT(ASCP)
2012 Dan A. Waxman, MD
2013 Pat Distler, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2014 Janice M. Davis-Sproul, MAS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2015 Harvey G. Klein, MD
2016 Fran Rabe, MS, ASQ CQM
2017 Brian Custer, MPH, PhD
2018 Eva Quinley, MT(ASCP)SBB, MS, CQA(ASQ)
2019 Joseph Schwartz, MD, MPH
2020 Suzanne Dworsky, MBA, MT(ASCP)
2021 Dana Devine, PhD
2022 Ljiljana V Vasovic, MD
1956 J. Garrot Allen, MD
1957 Marjorie Saunders
1958 Israel Davidsohn, MD
1959 John G. Gibson, II, MD
1960 Bernice M. Hemphill
1961 G. Albin Matson, PhD
1962 Florence B. Seibert, PhD, DSc(Hon.)
1963 James J. Griffitts, MD
1964 Rose Payne, PhD
1965 Mark Falcon Lesses, MD
1966 Tibor J. Greenwalt, MD
1967 Elmer R. Jennings, MD
1968 E. Eric Muirhead, MD
1969 Rosser L. Mainwaring, MD
1970 Oscar B. Hunter, Jr., MD
1971 Dorothy C. Smith, RN
1972 Kurt Stern, MD
1973 L. Ruth Guy, PhD
1974 Morten Grove-Rasmussen, MD (posthumously)
1975 Douglas W. Huestis, MD
1976 Shirley Busch, SBB(ASCP)
1977 Robert E. Klein, MD
1978 Robert D. Langdell, MD
1979 Grace M. Neitzer, MT(ASCP)SBB
1980 Joseph R. Bove, MD
1981 Herbert A. Perkins, MD
1982 Herbert F. Polesky, MD
1983 Harold A. Oberman, MD
1984 Frances K. Widmann, MD
1985 Thomas F. Zuck, MD, COL, MC, USA
1986 Richard H. Walker, MD
1987 Emanuel Hackel, PhD
1988 Alfred J. Grindon, MD
1989 Delores A. Mallory, MT(ASCP)SBB
1990 Jacqueline D. Miller, MD
1991 Hayle B. Randolph, MT(ASCP)
1992 Francis S. Jones, MD
1993 Paul J. Schmidt, MD
1994 Jeff McCullough, MD
Edwin A. Steane, PhD
Susan M. Steane, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
1996 Sandra Taddie Nance, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
1997 Paul V. Holland, MD
1998 Suzanne H. Butch, MA, MT(ASCP)SBB
1999 Margaret E. Wallace, MHS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2000 Herbert Silver, MD
2001 Irene E. Roeckel, MD
2002 Leo J. McCarthy, MD
2003 Bill T. Teague, BS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2004 W. John Judd, FIBMS, MIBiol
2005 Donald D. Doddridge, MA, MT(ASCP)
2006 No Award Given
2007 Phyllis Walker, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2008 No Award Given
2009 Connie M. Westhoff, SBB, PhD
2010 No Award Given
2011 Peter A. Tomasulo, MD
2013 Arthur W. Bracey, MD
2015 Paul Mintz, MD
2017 J. Daniel Connor, MBA, CPA
2019 Jed Gorlin, MD, MBA
2021 Susan T. Johnson, MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBBCM
1954 Reuben Ottenberg, MD
1955 Richard Lewisohn, MD
Philip Levine, MD
Alexander S. Wiener, MD
Ruth Sanger, PhD
Robert Race, MD, PhD
Oswald Hope Robertson, MD
Payton Rous, MD
J.R. Turner, MD
1959 Ernest Witebsky, MD
1960 Patrick L. Mollison, MD
1961 Robin R.A. Coombs, MRCVS, PhD
1962 William C. Boyd, PhD
Fred H. Allen, Jr., MD
Louis K. Diamond, MD
1964 J.J. van Loghem, MD
1965 Ruggero Ceppellini, MD
1966 Elvin A. Kabat, PhD
Walter T.J. Morgan, PhD, DSc
Winifred M. Watkins, PhD
Rodney R. Porter, PhD
Vincent J. Freda, MD
John G. Gorman, MD
William Pollack, PhD
1970 Jean Dausset, MD
Bruce Chown, MD
Marion Lewis
1972 Richard E. Rosenfield, MD
1973 Arthur E. Mourant, MD
Manfred M. Mayer, PhD
Hans J. Muller-Eberhard, MD
Baruch S. Blumberg, MD, PhD
Alfred M. Prince, MD
Marie Cutbush Crookston
Eloise R. Giblett, MD
Rose Payne, PhD
Johannes J. van Rood, MD
1978 Fred Stratton, MD
Nevin C. Hughes-Jones, MD, PhD
Serafeim P. Masouredis, MD, PhD
Donald M. Marcus, MD
James M. Stavely, KBE, MD
James F. Danielli, PhD, DSc
S. Jonathan Singer, PhD
Georges J.F. Kohler, PhD
Cesar Milstein, PhD, FRS
1983 Vincent T. Marchesi, MD
1984 Oliver Smithies, MA, DPhil (Oxon)
1985 Saul Krugman, MD
Claes F. Hogman, MD
Grant R. Bartlett, PhD
1987 E. Donnall Thomas, MD
1988 Charles P. Salmon, MD, DSc
1989 George W. Bird, DSc, PhD, MBBS, FRCPath
Robert C. Gallo, MD
Luc Montagnier, MD
1991 Paul I. Terasaki, PhD
Harvey J. Alter, MD
Daniel W. Bradley, PhD
Qui-Lim Choo, PhD
Michael Houghton, PhD
George C. Kuo, PhD
Lacy R. Overby, PhD
1993 C. Paul Engelfriet, MD
Kenneth Brinkhous, MD
Harold Roberts, MD
Robert Wagner, PhD
Robert Langdell, MD
1995 W. Laurence Marsh, PhD, FRCPath, FIBiol, FIBMS
1996 Eugene Goldwasser, PhD
1997 Wendell F. Rosse, MD
Richard H. Aster, MD
Scott Murphy, MD
Sherrill J. Slichter, MD
1999 Kary B. Mullis, PhD
2000 Michael E. DeBakey, MD
2001 John Bowman, MD
2002 Hal E. Broxmeyer, PhD
2003 Victor A. McKusick, MD
2004 Tibor Greenwalt, MD
2005 Peter Agre, MD
2006 James D. Watson, PhD
2007 Peter Issitt, PhD, FRCPath
2008 Ernest Beutler, MD (posthumously)
2009 Curt I. Civin, MD
2010 Steven A. Rosenberg, MD, PhD
Yuet Wai Kan, MBBS, DSc
David John Weatherall, MD, FRCP, FRS
2012 Kenneth Kaushansky, MD
2013 Barry S. Coller, MD
2014 Carl H. June, MD
2015 Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD
2016 Stuart Orkin, MD
2017 Irving Weissman, MD
2018 David A. Williams, M.D.
David Anstee, PhD, FRCPath, FMedSci
Jean-Pierre Cartron, Docteur-es-Sciences
Colvin M. Redman, PhD
Fumiichiro Yamamoto, PhD, Dr. HC
2020 Katherine A. High, MD
2021 Anneke Brand, MD, PhD
Jeffrey L Carson, MD, MACP
Paul Hébert, MD, MA, MHSc, FRCPC, FCAHS
Nancy Heddle, MSc, FCSMLS(D)
Ian Roberts, MD
1997 Delores Mallory, MT(ASCP)SBB
1998 John Case, FIBMS
1999 Marilyn Moulds, BS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2000 Susan D. Rolih, MT(ASCP)SBB
2001 Estre D. Culotta, MHS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2002 Marion E. Reid PhD, FIBMS
2003 John J. Moulds, MT(ASCP)SBB
2004 E. Ann Steiner, MT(ASCP)SBB
2005 No Award Given
2006 Jill Storry, PhD, FIBMS
2007 No Award Given
2008 Denise Harmening, PhD, MT(ASCP)
2009 No Award Given
2010 Susan T. Johnson, MSTM, MT(ASCP)SBB
2012 Patricia A. Arndt, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2013 Karen M. Byrne, MDE, MT(ASCP)SBB
2014 Donald R. Branch, MT(ASCP)SBB, PhD
2015 Christine Lomas-Francis, MSc, FIBMS
2016 Barbara Bryant, MD, MT(ASCP)SBB
2017 Greg Denomme, PhD, FCSMLS(D)
2018 Joann Moulds, PhD, MT(ASCP)SBB
2019 Sandra Nance, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2020 Janis R. Hamilton, MS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2021 Connie M. Westhoff, SBB, PhD
2022 Margaret Keller, PhD
1981 David G. Nathan, MD
1982 Harry S. Jacob, MD
1983 Jiri Palex, MD, FACP
1984 Luc Montagnier, MD
1986 Edward J. Benz, Jr., MD
1987 Paul I. Terasaki, MD
1988 Walter F. Bodmer, PhD, FRCPath, FRS
1989 Hal E. Broxmeyer, PhD
1990 Albert E.G.Kr. von dem Borne, MD, PhD
1991 Eugene Goldwasser, PhD
1992 Henry A. Erlich, PhD
1993 Jean-Pierre Carton, DSc
1994 Louis H. Miller, MD
1995 Irving L. Weissman, MD
1996 Mohandas Narla, DSc
1997 Michael Blaese, MD
1998 Michael P. Busch, MD, PhD
1999 Adriano Aguzzi, MRCPath
2000 Anthony S. Fauci, MD
2001 Barry S. Collar, MD
2002 J. Craig Venter, PhD
2003 James N. George, MD
2004 Kenneth Kaushansky, MD
*2005 Robert Montgomery, MD
2006 Lawrence D. Petz, MD
2007 Jeffrey McCullough, MD
2008 Gary Moroff, PhD
2009 John W. Semple, PhD
2010 Walter "Sunny" Dzik, MD
2011 Harvey J. Alter, MD, MACP
2012 Naomi L. C. Luban, MD
2013 Diane S. Krause, MD, PhD
2014 Susan L. Stramer, PhD
2015 Alan H. Lazarus, PhD
2016 Parviz Lalezari, MD
2017 Martin L. Olsson, MD, PhD
2018 Sherill J. Slichter, MD
2019 Donald R. Branch, PhD, BS, MT(ASCP)SBB
2020 Mark E. Brecher, MD
2021 Donald L. Siegel, PhD, MD
2022 D. Robert Sutherland, BSc, MSc
*In 2005, the name of this award changed from Tibor Greenwalt Scientific Lectureship to Tibor Greenwalt Memorial Award and Lectureship.
The AABB Foundation fuels innovative research in blood and related biotherapies for the benefit of patients and donors. We are pleased to recognize esteemed scientists who are pioneers in the field making significant contributions to improve the lives of patients and donors worldwide.
Article: “Prophylactic anti-D preparations display variable decreases in fc-fucosylation of anti-D.”
Authors: Agnes Hipgrave Ederveen, MD; Belinda M. Kumpel, MD; Ellen van der Schoot, MD, PhD; Gestur Vidarsson, PhD; Luciana Della Valle, MS, PhD (pend); Prof. Dr. Manfred Wuhrer; Masja de Haas, MD, PhD; Onno J H M Verhagen, MD; Peter Ligthart, MD; Rick Kapur, MD
Article: "ADAMTS13 autoantibodies cloned from patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: 2. Pathogenicity in an animal model"
Authors: Khalil Bdeir, PhD; Douglas Cines, MD; Michelle Cushing, MES; Gayathri Gulendran; Vincent Hayes; Stephen Kacir; David Motto, MD, PhD; Eric Ostertag, MD, PhD; Mortimer Poncz, MD; Don Siegel, MD, PhD; Lenka Yunk, PhD; and X. Long Zheng, MD, PhD
Article: “Safety of the use of group A plasma in trauma: the STAT study”
Authors: Mark Yazer, MD, and Nancy M. Dunbar, MD
Article: “Blood utilization and mortality in victims of gun violence”
Authors: Vincent M. DeMario, BS; Robert A. Sikorski, MD; David T. Efron, MD, FACS; Mara A. Serbanescu, MD; Rica M. Buchanan, MD, MPH; Eric J. Wang, MD; Mereze Visagie, BS; Eric A. Gehrie, MD, SM; Mariuxi C. Manukyan, MD; Kathy Noll, RN; K.H. Ken Lee, DrPH; Paul M. Ness, MD; and Steven M. Frank, MD
Article: “Prevalence and risk factors for RBC alloantibodies in blood donors in the Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III (REDS-III)”
Authors: Mathew S. Karafin, Sylvia Tan, Christopher A. Tormey, Bryan R. Spencer, Ronald G. Hauser, Phillip J. Norris, Nareg H. Roubinian, Yanyun Wu, Darrell J. Triulzi, Steven Kleinman, Jerome L. Gottschall, Jeanne E. Hendrickson
Article: “Hypoxic storage of red blood cells improves metabolism and post‐transfusion recovery”
Authors: Angelo DʼAlessandro, PhD, Tatsuro Yoshida, PhD, Shawnagay Nestheide, Travis Nemkov, PhD, Sarah Stocker, Davide Stefanoni, BS, Fatima Mohmoud, Neeta Rugg, MS, Andrew Dunham, PhD, Jose A. Cancelas, MD, PhD
Article: “Reduction of anti-K-mediated hemolytic disease of newborns after the introduction of a matched transfusion policy: A nation-wide policy change evaluation study in the Netherlands”
Authors: Jessie S. Luken, MD, Claudia C. Folman, PhD, Michaël V. Lukens, PhD, EuSpLM, Johan H. Meekers, MLS(ASCP), Peter C. Ligthart, MSc, Henk Schonewille, PhD, Jaap Jan Zwaginga, MD, PhD, Mart P. Janssen, PhD, C. Ellen van der Schoot, MD, PhD, Johanna G. van der Bom, MD, Masja de Haas, MD, PhD
Article: “Measurement of post-transfusion red blood cell survival in kinetics in sickle cell disease and β-Thalassemia: A biotin label approach”
Authors: Bart J. Biemond, Sanne de Bruin, Karin Fijnvandraat, Jorn J. Gerritsma, Guillermo Guerrero, Erfan Nur, Anja ten Brinke, Robin van Bruggen, John van Dam, Nieke van der Bolt, Ellen van der Schoot, Christie Vermeulen, Alexander P. J. Vlaar
Asawari Bapat, DPB, PGDHHM
Wanxing Cui, MD, PhD
Mike Halpenny
Maria De Los Angeles Muñiz, MD
Federico Rodriguez Quezada SBB, MLSi(ASCP)CM
Mary Townsend, MD
Dan A. Waxman, MD
Jed B. Gorlin, MD, MBA
Gay Wehrli, MD, MBA, MSEd
Aikaj Jindal, MD, MBA
Amit Tayal, MD
Sadhana Mangwana, MD, MBA
Amita Radhakrishnan Nair, MD
Graham D. Sher
Brian Custer, MPH, PhD on behalf of the Advance Study Team
John A. Hagins
Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Chris Hrouda
Jeanne Hendrickson, MD
Ronald George Hauser III, MD
Christopher A. Tormey, MD
Claudia S. Cohn, MD, PhD
Joseph Mulenga, MD, MBA, CTM on behalf of Zambia National Blood Transfusion Services (ZNBTS)
Latha Jagannathan, MD
Chris Miskel
Gavin Evans on behalf of Global Blood Fund
Iryna Slavinska on behalf of Donor.UA
AABB Accepting Nominations for 2025-26 Board of Directors
January 29, 2025
AABB Survey Explores International PBM Practices
January 29, 2025
Reminder: AABB Accepting Applications for 2025-26 Committee Membership
January 28, 2025