The Quality Toolkit contains a variety of quality tools intended to support development and maintenance of SOPS, staff training and aiding in conformance to AABB Standards, resulting in a successful accreditation experience. Using these tools, facilities and individual members will find the following types of quality tools:
Errors and nonconformances can occur in any system or process. Often, they are process related rather than related to individual performance. A systemic approach to problem solving must be performed to identify, investigate, eliminate, and follow-up on the problem.
A root cause analysis might be required based on the error that has occurred. The goal of the root cause analysis is to identify the true causes(s) of the error.
Both short term and long-term corrective actions can be taken once the root cause has been identified. Short-term corrective action fixes the problem temporally while long-term corrective action(s) permanently fix the problem.
Once corrective and preventive actions are implemented, organizations should have a system to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of those actions.
These eight quality tools can be used to identify the errors, to perform root cause analysis and identify true cause(s), and for post implementation monitoring of the effectiveness of corrective action(s) taken. This toolbox will contain descriptions, strengths and weaknesses, and examples of the application for each of these tools.
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