February 07, 2024
AABB invites facilities to share their insights on implementing the ISBT 128 Standard Labeling of Collection Products for Cellular Therapy Manufacturing (ST-018) and ISBT 128 Chain of Identity (CoI) Identifier (ST-028). These standards, vital to biotherapies, are managed and developed by ICCBBA and AABB supports the use of these standards as applicable to their operations.
AABB is preparing a submission on behalf of the blood and biotherapies community to share with ICCBBA, which plans to use this feedback to shape an article exploring the barriers to and benefits of implementing these standards.
Those who wish to provide comments may send them via email to Faiqa M. Sadique at fsadique@aabb.org by March 4.
AABB encourages members to share this request with colleagues who have implemented these ISBT 128 standards.