Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program

Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program, 4rd Edition – Print

Outlines requirements for essential activities of a patient blood management program surrounding patient evaluation and clinical management of those who may or may not require a transfusion. Specific topics include the use of appropriate indications for transfusion, minimization of blood loss, and optimization of patient red cell mass. In recognition of the range of clinical services offered at different hospitals, the Patient Blood Management Standards Program Unit created three program activity levels (Levels 1, 2 and 3). While a small hospital’s program may perform activities described as Level 3, a hospital with a large trauma center might incorporate all activities encompassed by Level 1. The levels do not reflect a hierarchy; they simply acknowledge differences in the structure of the hospital in which the PBM program is located.

Current edition: 4th edition
Effective date: June 1, 2023
Revision cycle: 24 months (June of odd numbered years)

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The print version, Portal versions, and bundle packages (print and electronic and print and Guidance) of the 4th edition of Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program, are available for purchase.

Standards Development

About Patient Blood Management

Patient blood management (PBM) is an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach to caring for patients who might need a blood transfusion. PBM encompasses all aspects of the transfusion decision-making process, beginning with the initial patient evaluation and continuing through clinical management. A Patient Blood Management Program (PBM) is a program within an organization that is responsible for patient blood management activities.

AABB and The Joint Commission (TJC) together offer a Patient Blood Management Certification based on the AABB Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program. This voluntary hospital certification is open to TJC-accredited hospitals.

Learn more about AABB’s Patient Blood Management initiatives, including webinars, education modules and digital downloads.